Category : PHP Code Snippets

If you’re looking for DOMPDF Example in PHP, then you’re at right place. First of all you’ll have to get the latest library of the DOMPDF from Github. Now you just need following 7 lines of code to put in your PHP file which you’re using the generate PDF. In the following code, we’ve assumed ..

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Before you start writing PHP Code For Registration Form, you need to start with writing small HTML code for creating form elements, and styling them so that they look good. Step 1 – Add HTML: Create an HTML file, say index.html, and use an <form> element to process the input. Then add inputs (with a ..

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Prerequisites: In order to complete this tutorial, you have to have a system (XAMP or LAMP or MAMP) having PHP and MySQL installed. Step 1: PHP Code For Database Connection in Database Connection File. First of all,  we will create a new PHP file and will name it database_connection.php. Why are we creating a separate ..

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